About Us

We are Professionals, you can trust.

who we are

Who We Are

WAPC is a strong firm of Chartered Accountants (CA) globally recognized professionals in financial accounting, management accounting, applied finance, and taxation. Chartered Accountants are known for their extensive expertise that enables them to view the broader picture and devise the best course of action in financial matters. We work in various fields of business and finance, including auditing, taxation, financial, and general management. WAPC, We are engaged in public practice, while others work in the private sector or government organizations etc.

Overview of our services  Overview of our services:

  1. Audit and Assurance: WAPC conduct audits to ensure that a company’s financial statements are accurate and comply with laws and regulations.
  2. Financial Accounting and Reporting: They prepare, present, and interpret financial statements for businesses.
  3. Management Accounting: This involves providing financial information and advice to company managers to help them make business decisions.
  4. Applied Finance: WAPC apply financial management techniques to help businesses manage their finances effectively.
  5. Secretarial Services: They offer advice on corporate law matters and handle administrative tasks.
  6. Advising on Amalgamations, Reconstructions, Takeovers, and Expansion Schemes: They guide businesses through complex processes like mergers and acquisitions.
  7. Direct Tax Services: WAPC assist with the preparation and filing of tax returns, ensuring compliance with tax laws.
  8. Indirect Taxation – GST: They help businesses understand and comply with Goods and Services Tax (GST) requirements.
  9. Project Funding: WAPC can help businesses secure funding for specific projects.
  10. Valuation of Business: They provide professional assessments of a business’s worth, which can be useful in situations like sales, mergers, or acquisitions.

idea  What value do you derive from these services:

  1. Business Insight: We can provide valuable insights into your business plan, helping you make informed decisions and drive growth.
  2. Specialist Expertise: The training and determination it takes to become a Tax Consultant result in specialized knowledge and skills, which can significantly benefit your business.
  3. Versatility: WAPC has the potential to work in different industries and offer their expertise, making them a flexible resource for various types of businesses.
  4. Consulting Services: As management consultants, We can provide valuable consulting services, advising on business strategy, financial management, and more.
  5. Asset Valuation: We understand the complexities of fixed asset accounting, and can properly value your real estate and other assets, taking into account factors that affect their worth.

location   Top reasons for using our services:

  1. Expert Financial Guidance: We have the expertise to provide accurate and strategic financial advice, helping businesses optimize their financial operations.
  2. Regulatory Compliance: They ensure that your business adheres to all the relevant accounting standards and tax laws, thus avoiding any legal issues or penalties.
  3. Efficient Tax Management: We can help you navigate complex tax systems, ensuring that you pay the correct amount of tax and take advantage of any tax reliefs or benefits available.
  4. Auditing Services: They provide auditing services to verify the accuracy of your financial statements, crucial for maintaining trust with stakeholders.
  5. Business Growth: Their strategic financial insights can contribute significantly to the growth and development of your business.
  6. Risk Management: We can identify potential financial risks and develop strategies to mitigate them.
  7. Time-Saving: Outsourcing your accounting needs to a chartered accountant can save you time, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business.
  8. Financial Reporting: They can prepare detailed financial reports, providing you with a clear understanding of your business’s financial health.
  9. Cost-Effective: Despite the initial costs, hiring a Tax Consultant can be cost-effective in the long run as they help avoid costly mistakes and identify areas where costs can be reduced.
  10. Investment Advice: We can provide valuable advice on investments, helping you make informed decisions that could increase your business’s profitability.

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Contact Us:

Let’s Talk


Dubai, United Arab Emirates


+971 58 598 1914



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