Understanding the Crucial Role of Internal Audit in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

To accurately determine whether a business complies with internal policies. Guidelines and standards, an internal audit is carried out. Every company has a set of guidelines that must be joined to. For legal and operational efficiency, the companies, therefore, have an auditor. To obtain internal audit certification. Let’s dive deep to know more about Internal Audit Services.

To guarantee that top officials and employees follow all of them. Internal audits assist management in determining any issues within a company. 

It also determines whether the companies are unbiased in using various strategies. To accomplish their corporate objectives. The methods used to gather information and the financial reports are reviewed.

Internal Audit Overview:

Auditors don’t have any power or control over how businesses are run; they merely offer advice. The mandate requests the audit. Typically specifies the specific business activities to be audited. Any other area of business operation specified in the audit request.

Documents may be included in this list of audited activities. Such as management effectiveness, operational efficiency, and compliance with legal requirements. Audits may also investigate potential financial losses. Fraudulent activity and the reliability of financial reporting procedures.

The audit blueprint or agreement with an outside auditor. Specifies the precise parameters of an internal audit. A government agency, a business lender. Or the company’s management may request an audit.

The business plan may include internal audit schedules to help stay on course. An internal audit’s goal is to provide valuable information. Which can enhance a company’s overall operations or assess risks, not penalize them.

Classifications of Internal Audit:

  • Compliance Audit

A business might have to abide by rules set forth by the government. External policies, local laws, compliance requirements, or other constraints. 

An organization may assign an internal audit committee the responsibility of reviewing. Gathering relevant data and offering a general assessment of the compliance requirements. To prove compliance with these regulations.

  • Internal Financial Audit

Certain degrees of external financial auditing. In which a totally independent third party. Expresses an opinion on the company’s records, which is mandated for public companies. To get ready for an external audit. Companies should investigate audit findings more thoroughly or conduct an internal financial audit.

The nature of independence distinguishes the two types of audits for financial purposes. Even though many of the tests between an internal and external auditor may be similar.

  • Environmental Audit

Some businesses review their environmental impact as they become more environmentally conscious. This leads to an internal audit examination. How a company uses eco-friendly distribution techniques. Minimizes greenhouse gas emissions during production.

Sources raw materials safely, and lowers energy usage. Internal environmental audits can be included in annual reporting by businesses. That uses triple-bottom-line reporting.

  • Technology Audit

A variety of objectives can be set for an audit of information technology. An external lawsuit, a complaint from the company, or a desire to increase efficiency. could all be the cause of the internal audit. An internal audit with a technology focus examines the documentation.

Backup and recovery procedures, hardware, software, security, and controls. Evaluating general IT accuracy and processing capabilities is the aim.

  • Construction Audit

Development, operating, real estate, and construction companies can audit structures. To guarantee proper project billing. Throughout the project’s lifespan and the building’s proper physical development. This primarily entails following the terms of the contracts with the general contractor. Internal Audit Services.

Independent contractors or standalone suppliers as needed. Making sure the business has sent and received the necessary funds. As well as that internal project reports about project completion are accurate. which could be included in the aforementioned group as well.

  • Operational Audit

When an organization is taken over by new management. Also, when essential employees depart. an operational audit is most likely to take place. 

The business should evaluate its processes. And determine whether resources are used more effectively. An operational internal audit examines. How well the current staff meets the company’s objectives, values, and mission.

  • Performance Audit

An audit with a performance focus is more concerned with the outcome than the processes. The organization may have established. Performance goals or measurements connected to bonuses or additional rewards. Consequently, an internal auditor evaluates the result of a goal. That might be difficult to quantify.

An organization might have wanted to use a broader range of suppliers, for instance. In this case, the internal auditor is not involved in the purchasing process. Will examine how the organization’s spending habits have evolved. Since this objective was established.

Read More: Company Liquidation in Dubai | UAE.

What is the Importance of Internal Audits:

Internal audits are extremely useful tools. for ensuring that the management of a company. is taking the proper steps to grow and profit from the company. Audits can highlight flaws in the management procedures.

Currently in place and offer suggestions for improving them. to promote the best possible economical use of the assets at hand. A  company’s resource utilization can be assessed. Know more about the Internal Audit Services.

Financial resources, labor, and human resources. Natural resources, tangible and intellectual property, and anything. that increases the company’s profit margin are all considered part of its resources.

Internal audits are a crucial tool for top-level business managers. to comprehend the performance of an organization’s various divisions. Information from high-performing divisions can be helpful to lower-performing divisions.

 If a division is found to be unproductive, management may choose to close the division. or reallocate its resources to another area to cut losses.

Investors and financial institutions occasionally need internal audits. to make sure the money they lend is being used appropriately. and that investment risk is being controlled. An internal audit can identify the risks. and recommend corrections or defensive measures. whenever company management suspects improper employee actions or external threats.


The internal audit specialists at WAPC strategically consider. how they can increase your company’s value, cut expenses, and boost productivity. WAPC internal auditing has the potential to increase business success.

To help our clients, WAPC combines its technical expertise with consulting experience. One of our services is providing senior management and the board of directors with information about how well the entity’s current systems and processes keep it on course. We also offer suggestions for improving the effectiveness. and efficiency of those systems and processes.