VAT Return Filing Services in UAE

The introduction of Value Added Tax (VAT) in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in 2018 marked a significant shift in the country’s tax landscape.

 Now, businesses registered under the UAE VAT regime must file regular VAT returns, which is a complex task requiring a deep understanding of the tax laws and regulations. This is where professional VAT return filing services come in.

VAT Return Filing Services in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) provide businesses with expert assistance in managing VAT obligations, which includes accurate calculation of VAT liability, preparation and submission of VAT returns, and maintaining proper tax records. Here’s what you can typically expect from such a service:

  1. VAT Calculation: The service provider will accurately calculate your VAT liability considering all your taxable supplies, exempt supplies, zero-rated supplies, and reverse charge mechanisms.
  2. VAT Return Preparation: They’ll prepare your VAT return form (VAT201), ensuring all necessary information is included and accurately reported.
  3. VAT Return Submission: The service provider will handle the electronic submission of the VAT return form to the UAE’s Federal Tax Authority (FTA) via the e-Services portal, saving you time and hassle.
  4. Record Keeping: The service provider will help you maintain proper tax records as required by the FTA, including invoices, credit notes, accounting books, and other relevant documents.
  5. Compliance Check: Regular compliance checks will be conducted to ensure that your business adheres to all VAT laws and regulations, helping you avoid penalties for non-compliance.
  6. Advisory Services: They’ll provide expert advice on VAT matters, helping you optimize your tax position and make informed decisions.
  7. Dispute Resolution: If any issues arise with the FTA regarding your VAT return, the service provider will assist in resolving these disputes.
  8. Training: Some providers also offer training to your staff on how to handle VAT-related tasks efficiently.

Remember, it’s important to choose a reliable and experienced VAT return filing service provider to ensure accuracy and compliance with UAE VAT laws and regulations. Always review the provider’s qualifications, track record, and client reviews before making a decision.

Understanding VAT Return Filing:

A VAT return is a formal document that businesses must submit to the UAE’s Federal Tax Authority (FTA). It summarizes the value of the supplies and purchases the business has made during the tax period and the VAT amount payable or refundable.

VAT return filing is an essential part of VAT compliance, ensuring that businesses correctly calculate and pay their VAT liabilities. It is usually done quarterly, although some businesses may be required to file monthly.

The Role of VAT Return Filing Services:

VAT return filing services are provided by professional firms specializing in tax matters. They help businesses navigate the complexities of the VAT system and ensure accurate and timely VAT return filing. Here’s what they typically offer:

  1. VAT Calculation: These services help businesses accurately calculate their VAT liabilities, taking into account all taxable supplies, exempt supplies, zero-rated supplies, and reverse charge mechanisms.
  2. VAT Return Preparation: They assist in preparing the VAT return form (VAT201), ensuring all necessary information is accurately reported.
  3. VAT Return Submission: They handle the electronic submission of the VAT return form to the FTA via the e-Services portal.
  4. Record Keeping: They help businesses maintain proper tax records as required by the FTA, including invoices, credit notes, accounting books, and other relevant documents.
  5. Compliance Check: They conduct regular compliance checks to ensure the business adheres to all VAT laws and regulations, helping avoid penalties for non-compliance.
  6. Advisory Services: They provide expert advice on VAT matters, helping businesses optimize their tax position and make informed decisions.

Choosing a VAT Return Filing Service:

When choosing a VAT return filing service, businesses should consider factors like the firm’s experience, expertise in UAE VAT laws, reputation, service cost, and the range of services offered. It’s also beneficial if the firm offers tailored services that meet the specific needs of the business.

VAT return filing services play a crucial role in helping businesses comply with the UAE’s VAT regime. They not only take the complexity out of VAT return filing but also bring valuable insights and advice to help businesses manage their VAT obligations effectively.

How can we assist you in filing your VAT return?

Our team is here to make the VAT return filing process as smooth as possible for you. Here’s how we can assist:

  1. VAT Calculation: Our experts will accurately calculate your VAT liability, taking into account all your taxable supplies, exempt supplies, zero-rated supplies, and reverse charge mechanisms.
  2. VAT Return Preparation: We’ll prepare your VAT return form (VAT201), ensuring all necessary information is included and accurately reported.
  3. VAT Return Submission: We’ll handle the electronic submission of the VAT return form to the UAE’s Federal Tax Authority (FTA) via the e-Services portal, saving you time and hassle.
  4. Record Keeping: We’ll help you maintain proper tax records as required by the FTA, including invoices, credit notes, accounting books, and other relevant documents.
  5. Compliance Check: Our team will conduct regular compliance checks to ensure that your business adheres to all VAT laws and regulations, helping you avoid penalties for non-compliance.
  6. Advisory Services: We’ll provide expert advice on VAT matters, helping you optimize your tax position and make informed decisions.

We understand that every business is unique, so we offer tailored services to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re a small business owner or run a large corporation, we’re committed to assisting you in managing your VAT obligations effectively. Please feel free to contact us if you need further assistance or have any questions.

How to file VAT returns in the UAE?

Filing VAT returns in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a process that requires attention to detail and a good understanding of the tax system. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Register for VAT: Before you can file a VAT return, you need to register your business for VAT with the UAE Federal Tax Authority (FTA).
  2. Prepare Your VAT Return: You’ll need to prepare your VAT return form (VAT201). This involves calculating your VAT liability by taking into account all your taxable supplies, exempt supplies, zero-rated supplies, and reverse charge mechanisms.
  3. Login to the FTA Portal: To file your VAT return, you’ll need to log in to the EMARATAX portal or the FTA portal.
  4. Initiate the VAT Return Form: Click on VAT 201 – New VAT Return option under the e-services section of the portal to initiate the VAT Return form.
  5. Fill in the Required Details: Make sure you fill in all the required details on the VAT return form accurately.
  6. Submit the VAT Return Form: Once you’ve filled in the form, you can submit it electronically through the FTA portal.
  7. Make the Payment: After filing your VAT return, you are required to make the related VAT payments within 28 days from the end of your tax period.

Remember, it’s important to keep all your tax records, including invoices, credit notes, and accounting books, as you may need to refer to them while preparing your VAT return. Also, regular compliance checks can ensure your business adheres to all VAT laws and regulations, helping you avoid penalties for non-compliance.

If you find this process challenging, consider hiring a professional VAT return filing service. They can handle the entire process for you, from VAT calculation to return submission, ensuring accuracy and compliance.

The form of VAT201 Contains the following content in relation to output and input tax:

The VAT201 form in the United Arab Emirates is designed to summarize the details of a taxable person’s output and input tax for a specific tax period. Here’s what’s typically included:

Output Tax:

Standard-rated supplies: This includes the total value of all goods and services supplied during the tax period that are subject to standard VAT rate (5% in UAE).

Zero-rated supplies: The total value of all goods and services supplied during the tax period that are subject to a zero VAT rate.

Exempt supplies: The total value of all goods and services supplied during the tax period that are exempt from VAT.

Goods imported into the UAE: The total value of all goods imported into the UAE during the tax period.

Adjustments to supplies: Any adjustments made to previous return periods for under or over reported supplies.

Total output tax due: Sum of the above values multiplied by the applicable VAT rate.

Input Tax:

Standard-rated expenses: Total value of all purchases and expenses made during the tax period that are subject to the standard VAT rate.

Goods imported into the UAE: Total value of VAT paid on goods imported into the UAE during the tax period.

Adjustments to expenses: Any adjustments made to previous return periods for under or over reported expenses.

Total recoverable input tax: Sum of the above values multiplied by the applicable VAT rate.

Please note, this is a general overview and the actual information required may vary. Always check the most recent version of the VAT201 form and consult with a tax professional to ensure accuracy and compliance.